For the next stop on our Silver Week adventure, we took a train to Osaka and met up with some “old” friends from the Nashville consulate! We had all gotten really close during US and Tokyo Orientation, so it was wonderful to see some of them that night. We had
The School Culture Festival Episode
My school just finished their culture festival this past weekend. I was blown away by the performances. I don’t think I was nearly that talented in high school! I gave a speech in front of 1,000 students in English and Japanese, and was surprised with a bouquet of flowers
Basara Matsuri 2015
This weekend was the Nara Basara Matsuri festival. I was so fortunate to participate with a dance troupe and I had the time of my life (I’ve also feel like I’ve never sweated more in my life- glad I didn’t wear any makeup, haha)! We danced for the entire day
Nara Park Tour
Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to help out with a seminar for Japanese elementary teachers of English in Nara Park. A fellow JET and I acted as tourists while four teachers guided us through the park. I had a great time and even made a few friends in the
Miscellaneous Photos
A snapshot from the spa slumber party I had with my kid cousins before I left for Japan. Josh posted this picture to Facebook on the day I flew out of Nashville. Pre-departure Orientation at the Estate of the Consulate General! A snapshot from lunch at Tokyo Orietation.My lunch today
Nara Tokae Festival
Views from the bus to Osaka on my way to pick up JoJo-kun (Josh) from the airport. The view from the fourth floor of the KIX International Airport in Osaka. I waited here for 2 and a half hours since Josh had to go through a lengthy immigration process. I
New Friend Appears!
Yesterday I met up with a fellow JET Bethany. We toured Kashihara Shrine, then went out for Kappa Sushi on her side of town. I hadn’t had the chance to try conveyor belt sushi yet, so I’m so glad Bethany got me to try it with her. The food was
Breakfast courtesy of Softbank
When you buy a phone in Japan they gift you with something to eat once you get home. I thought that was a nice gesture. It even has the adorable company mascot on it! For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy this hilarious compilation of Softbank Commercials as well. Another thing I’ve found
Final Night Out with Nashville Friends
I thoroughly enjoyed tonight in Shinjuku with a group of our Nashville friends, despite jet lag. We haven’t known each other that long, but we’ve become such dear friends since then and I hate to see them go. I told everyone that they will have to visit me in Nara
2nd Day of Orientation: Jet Lag Deluxe
It’s the second full day of Tokyo Orientation and honestly I still don’t feel 100%…I was able to avoid the brunt of jet lag by adjusting my time/sleeping schedule early on, but orientation lasts all day and just makes me extremely exhausted. I’m having trouble remembering things and forming correct